Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Playing on the Surface

Gloria's samples for the Playing on the Surface technique

Janette working hard on her gorgeous quilt
Back to the Gloria Loughman Workshops, and the pictures from the brand new class Playing on the Surface. The South Africans had experienced this wonderful exercise a couple of weeks before us, but ours was the first outing for this class in Australia.

Gloria did comment that the South Africans were using the strong African colours and fabrics whereas many of our group had the watery balis and hand dyes that are so evocative of Australian coastal living. We even had one quilt that was a dead ringer for a Coral Reef! I guess that geography will out...

Most of us got too excited making the pieces for the quilts and decided to save the embellishment/stitching for hometime, but some disciplined souls did stitch as much as cut and fuse over the two days. But it shows we all approach projects differently, and I'm just sorry I can't post pictures of all of the wonderful class projects!

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