Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Revisiting old haunts

After all of my blogging about the Victoria and Albert Museum last week, I realised that I was long overdue a visit there. The Kylie exhibit had been and gone, and somehow I had not visited in months. Time does fly.
I went straight up to the Textile Study Rooms (with a brief detour for coffee) as it is so easy to be seduced in by the sexier, totally glamorous ground floor exhibitions. Speaking of which - I ended up down at the New York Fashion exhibition later, and check out those pleats above. How fantastic.

But there's nothing like weaving your way through deserted corridors, through several changes in interior design and very bad lighting to make you appreciate the treasure trove of the study rooms even more.

The hundreds of screens that can be pulled out, the samples to be sketched or photographed, and the drawers filled with 8th and 9th century silk remnants. I tackled the Far Eastern section this time, and am headed back soon for the European section.
PS Expect an update from the Melbourne Craft and Quilt Fair soon. I hear that there were plenty of quilters leaving Jeff's Shed with new inspiration this year (as always). Sadly no photos from there (when will they learn to take their camera with them...), but photos from the shop coming soon too.

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