Sunday, May 18, 2008

Steps 1 and 2 and some shopping...

Hi there!

Thought I would pop back in to say hello... now that the gorgeous sunshine has disappeared again I got back to the sewing machine today, to continue piecing with Amy Butler's new Midwest Modern fabrics.
For once I remembered to take a couple of photos during the day, and I wanted to share. Not too sure what these are going to be - I've abandoned the original plan of 16 patch posies, so it's back to the makeshift drawing (design) board.
I find it really difficult to buy the Hobbs 100% cotton batting here in London, so although I have a large frame all ready to go, I have no batting - and you'll agree, I'm sure, that that is the most important part of the design wall structure! So with a cotton scrap I popped into my suitcase when I was back in Oz in April I have improvised as you'll see above. I'm a little bit further along on the quilt now, but that's for another day's post.

And this here is my new shopping bag. i LOVE it - saving the environment, but doing it in style....

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